Ballerina, interrupted

This is my first blog post, EVER !!!  I should start by telling you a bit about myself…I’m from Puerto Rico, and I moved to London for work 3.5 years ago, after having jumped from country to country (USA, France, Belgium) quite a bit. I guess you can say I’ve found a second home in London along with a loving British boyfriend, Alex, and his (now our) pug, Fonzie. I’m a ballerina, as in it’s my full-time job, and I dance for the English National Ballet.


I’m starting this blog, along with an Instagram page, to showcase my style, which is mainly inspired by ballet, the island I come from, and things I see on the streets of London. I keep a simple, classy, yet affordable style, and I LOVE a statement piece or just making a statement, period. Working as a ballerina means staring at yourself in the mirror for 6+ hours a day, which quickly teaches you the stylistic do’s and don’ts for your physique; making it easier to translate your aesthetic into ordinary life. Taking some elements from your studio style and transforming them into your street style becomes almost second nature.

IMG_3578As I journey along this life of mine, I’ll document and share my experiences with you, while also showing you some behind-the-scenes in the life of a ballerina.

I hope you enjoy my blog ! I look forward to keep sharing my personal experiences with you !!!

Until next time,

Adriana xx

Photographers: Ian Gavan, Rebecca Sberro, Haze Kware 



  1. Alan Salvatore

    I really love this idea. I want to know more of you in ballet with details. Escribe cuando tuviste que dejar de bailar y esas cosas… un beso


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